Jane Russell

About Jane:

I’m 42 years old and a working single Mum of three.

What did STAND FOR do for Jane and her children?

“STAND FOR literally saved my life after the NHS failed to fix my huge gallstone and finally told me it was inoperable,” said Jane. “It may sound dramatic, but I don’t think I would still be here without STAND FOR that’s how poorly I was.”

What was the outcome?

“STAND FOR paid for private surgery in London with a specialist surgeon who fixed the mess my local hospital had made,” said Jane,”I had a 1cm gallstone removed-it was stuck in my 3mm bile duct. This was to repair the mess of six months in hospital, where I endured repeated surgery, during which I suffered rips in my stomach lining leading to huge hernias, internal bleeding and pancreatitis.

STAND FOR supported me throughout, and especially, of course, supported my children, in identifying the right expert to get mummy well again.”

Describe what STAND FOR means to you.

Jane said: “I was extremely lucky I found STAND FOR.  Neil kept telling me we’d put a man on the moon in 1969 (I had no idea why LOL) so he was sure we could sort out my stone! And that’s just what STAND FOR did. Nobody should be told they can’t be helped, but when it happened to me, I was lucky enough to have someone come along and fight my corner.”

Brandon Knight

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