Lauren Cook

We won’t STAND FOR unfair treatment of young people with special needs.

About Lauren

Lauren has Cerebal Palsy.

What did STAND FOR do for Lauren?

“I rely on my second skin body suit, to support my spine,” said Lauren,”this suit is vital in my day to day life and without it I would not be able to walk, type, or generally function to my potential.”

What was the outcome?

“With STAND FOR’S support, we “persuaded” the relevant authorities that they were being unreasonable,” said Lauren,”and even though I know that STAND FOR would have bought me a new body suit, it was so much more rewarding to resolve the issue myself.”

Describe what STAND FOR means to you?

“Without STAND FOR none of this would have been possible,” said Lauren, “I feel like the luckiest person in the world!”

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